SummersMethod Primary Blog/Hitting/Boost Bat Speed and Power with 10 Essential Med Ball Drills

Boost Bat Speed and Power with 10 Essential Med Ball Drills

Want to smack more extra-base hits? Unlock next-level bat speed and power with these 10 med ball exercises.

Whether you're a player, coach, or parent, incorporating medicine balls into training is a game-changer. By rehearsing full-body rotational movements, you engrain sequencing and separation - keys to driving the ball.

Best of all, most drills require minimal equipment and space. All you need is a light medicine ball (4-8 lbs) and a wall or partner. No fancy machines or gym membership required.

We cover standing, kneeling, seated, and elevated tosses. Master launching the ball for distance and hang-time. Feel the stretch through your core, the drive off your back hip, the whip of your shoulders.

Mistakes to Avoid:
• Collapsing forward post-release
• Popping up out of a loaded position
• Failing to achieve proper separation

Measure Your Gains:
• Use a radar gun to track ball speed
• Film your swing before and after med ball training

If you want to tap into more athleticism and unlock next-level bat speed, these med ball drills deserve a spot in your routine. Add one or two per session and watch your power numbers soar.

​Subscribe to the SummersMethod YouTube channel for more training videos that bridge the gap between strength work and sport performance. Let's get after it!